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10 Tips for Professional Housekeepers

Being a great cleaner is one thing, but running a business is an entirely different beast. Just because you are good at cleaning doesn’t necessarily mean you can apply those skills to running a business. If you are serious about building a cleaning business, the first thing you need to do is start thinking like an owner. It’s essential that you approach your housekeeping business from a business owner’s perspective and develop your business acumen. Whether you are just starting out, looking to add a client or two, are expanding your service offerings, or simply taking your housekeeping services to the next level, the following tips will help you on a sure path to growth. Tips for Building Your Housekeeping Empire 1. Clean like it’s your own home The quality of cleaning you provide will have a significant impact on your ability to improve customer satisfaction, get referrals, and develop a reputation in the industry. Whether you are doing a simple cleaning job or offering a...

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